Saturday 21 November 2015


Up at 01:24, his bothered about his inabilities to "take the bull by its horn"  and decide what he wants to do with his life.  He blames it on places where he grew up- poor background, raised in dump like vicinity; also blames it on his inability to be in school like everyone his age group was, at age 23 he had lost hope of ever been a student of any school and decided to while away time until his done on earth.  >> Whatever that meant
 His idea of whiling away time
_worked at a number of places for short period of times, 2 months at most
_ learnt alot of things that had nothing to do with his supposed goal, studied sometimes 
_slept quite often 
 He wasn't an individual you'd Call an optimist, but his actions were in a way optimistic, everything he did turned him towards a direction that was headed for a goal he had not even quite figured out. 
Was later admitted to The University  where he graduated, never worked a day in his life after that and has his name on a number of high ends business Magazines.
Probably isn't the best example for the things you've had to wait so long for and still isn't turning out, you try to think of yourself as an exception, still yet things aren't just falling in the right places- deals, contracts, relationships, education, career, businesses, health, finance, family. It doesn't get any easier.  
COME TO THINK OF IT--The things you have(yea sure not all of them)  but most of them, did you have to be sad and depressed to get them? ,did you have to do anything wrong? 
WE HUMANS are quite ungrateful because the things we truly need the most, we have and we never had to work too hard to get- AIR, SHELTER(not everyone has this) OUR 6 SENCES 
Doesn't seem like alot to us cause we haven't had to get burnt because of our inability to see or read the danger signs...

We live in a world where quite a number of people think they have their lives for themselves, where we think that our goals and aspirations are meant to make just ourselves better, little have we realized that we weren't placed on earth for our selves or for personal gain but you help people help other people to help other people...  We need to practice selflessness and be more concerned about why we truly need what we need when we need it- are you trying to oppress that friend that just got that car, or want to be with the guy that's richer than your friends husband (you might be single a longer time) you trying to noticed better at events or tagged "the richest people in this vicinity" 

Trust me when I say money or material  possessions aren't bad,  not at all saying anything to this regard. But  know these for yourself ... Why do i need the things i need??? 
By the way our friend from our story now has a number of outlets where his business affects hundreds of lives - so, what are you doing and whose life are you affecting?? 

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Her Sex addiction

Your actions are largely controlled by your emotions, but her decision to be an addict wasn't a concious act...  How do we judge someone who doesn't feel emotions, no sadness no joy just actions -  she is traumatized, first by happenings in her life and also individuals she had around her while these  things went on.
     Born Into a home where it was just herself and her parent who weren't readily available to her, she was brilliant and did well enough to relate with people at school, she thought it important to learn things herself there where no Internet so her friends would tell her about happenings at their homes -  to individuals who blame this issues on the "innocent"  Internet age,  she had no adult to communicate with who would help her with the  fact that she was growing up and was now relating to people thereby  needing  clearer understanding of the things  she heard or was told.
   At age 14 she was, I wouldn't say molested cause it was consensual,  and quoting the dictionary (molested - assault or abuse (a person, especially a woman or child) sexually.)  therefore leading to several of these other acts.  She lacked not only parental guidance but also saw the need to create her own supposed happiness... Now she could pass for a child prostitute but in this case she wasn't duped or coarsed into been a regular on everyone's bed,or car as made available to them.
She's lost her sense of fulfilment, she's all grown up and now mastered the act, not for money because she doesn't get paid, she's not well kept and seeks to fix herself, there are no rehabs for Sex addicts in the country where she resides but she feels like she's wallowing and her life is coming to an end if she doesn't get fixed -  how would she get fix,  how does she go about this,  she feels like she's tried to say away but the best she was able to do was 3 days and she feel Ill. 
She needs our advice on what to do, we shouldn't judge her because the truth is, this could or is happening to anyone, there are several kinds of addiction but some are more visible than the others, just like one is addicted to coke, another to drug,  another to sleeping pills, to masturbation, sleeping and not working, to wearing dirty close, to not having their baths, alot of people live with amazing addictions and it's sometimes impossible to believe or understand so we find solace in creating a wall away  from  them thereby keeping them also far  away from  truly sharing what their challenges are...  She values your comments and looks forward to getting her self fix #onlinesupportgroup.

Sunday 8 November 2015


...  She's never been a virgin, she was molested through the early stages of her life and now she can't explain her addiction, she doesn't even know she has an addiction, she just can't stop.  A large sum of women and a little below the sum of men are been molested and no one seem to be talking about it, we are concerned about high rates of divorce - which is fair, but where do we think this issues start it's growth stage...  People go through this challenges and no one think it big enough a challenge to focus on. Here we are concerned and we want to know, we want to share challenges and seek solutions together, we don't all have same reactions to the things that go on or has gone on with us in the present or in the past.
Do you have a challenge you think your the only one facing, or it's a big deal and you want someones view, you tired of bottling it all up, you really want to let it all  out and deflate the burden,let's share and get opinion together. #letsshare